When mobile phones came out, they were huge, and could be used for text messages and phone calls. This is no longer the case. Mini computers, with window interface, it is unheard of to imagine a world without cell phones.It is natural to take the next step and have your web page mobile friendly.
This is a Mobile site, or also called mobi site. When explaining to most business people
about mobi sites, there is a little skepticism. Yet marketing has to consider the
massive impact a mobile or mobi site offers any company.
President Obama used mobile marketing in his campaign and reached people who did
not read news papers, did not go to his normal web page, did not read electronic news..
but they responded to his mobile campaign.
If you consider the mobile population worldwide, the amount of time spent to
tweet,search or facebook via cellphone, it is clear that the mobile phone has come to
stay in a much bigger way than we might think.
A mobile site enables you to capture a cell phone mailing list, where you send one sms
to every one who subscribes to the news on your site. Quick, easy and responsive,
much more so than the email lists, that marketers used to rely on.
However, you can view any .mobi site on a normal PC web browser.
The mobi website is not a WAP which is a streamlined version of HTML for small screen
displays. It is simply a normal domain which is generally used for cellphone optimised
One Force Mobile can help you with a mobi site for your business.
Contact us today for
a tailor made quote and reach a whole new market!