Sunday, July 30, 2006

Introducing the people behind power4africa

Garth,Bradley,Italo and Didi are the people behind Power4Africa.

POWER 4 AFRICA satisfies the growing demands for reduced energy consumption in commerce and industry with quality and innovative products .
Due to evolving concerns over global warming, industry and commerce were awakening to the fact that they needed to project a responsible attitude towards pollution and protection of the environment. Governments are coming under increasing pressure to deliver on matters related to environmental protection and, encouraging industry to manage their energy consumption in a professional manner.

The focus is on practical energy saving solutions at an affordable price to all industry and commerce. Power 4 Africa aims to provide focused and practical energy saving solutions to industry and commerce throughout Africa.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

powerful energysaver shows success

Powerful energysaver has been successfully installed and is making significant savings for many industries across the globe.

Electric motors are utilised in the production of almost every product we purchase and yet, international research bodies calculate that "over 50% of drive-power energy could be saved if motors and drive systems became more efficient." To satisfy the growing demand for increased productivity and reduced CO2 emissions, governments from all corners of the globe have identified, not only the need for improved energy efficiency, but also the barriers that sometimes hold companies back from investing in new technology.

We have an intelligent answer!

Our intellegent answer to the problem is unique by the extent to which it dynamically adjusts power to a motor as its load changes. It constantly monitors the motor's load and calculates the exact amount of power required at any time - reducing the amount of electricity used, increasing the life-span of motors, reducing maintenance requirements and reducing the amount of Carbon Dioxide produced.